Bring Financial Literacy to Your Community

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April 20, 2022
4 minute read

What is ClassEquity? 

ClassEquity is an online platform helping students grades K-12 build financial literacy and positive social behaviors. The platform enables students to open their own "bank account," through which they practice earning classroom dollars, saving, and spending in a safe environment.  Co-founders Abby and Katie started ClassEquity to solve a problem they both experienced during their time as classroom teachers in underserved schools- access to financial education. With ClassEquity, they aim to increase economic mobility by giving all students the tools they need to become financially independent, regardless of their zip code. After launching this fall, ClassEquity now supports over 3,500 students across 130 classrooms weekly.  

Case Studies

How can you help?

Become a sponsor

If you would like to sponsor schools in your area to ensure every student has access to financial literacy, we would love to partner! Send us an email at, and we can share more about our pricing packages and sponsorship opportunities.

Share ClassEquity

Share ClassEquity with teachers, schools, and thought leaders in your community to bring financial literacy to every student. Feel free to pass along this informational page and our contact information ( to school leaders and teachers that can benefit from our program. If there are any other resources that would be helpful, please let us know and we will be happy to send them your way.